Google has a monopoly on Internet search and has abused its dominant position. È questo il succo della sentenza pronunciata questa sera dal judge Amit P. Mehta nel contexto della causa antitrust intentata dal Dipartimento di Giustizia.
It is difficult to present without exaggeration and hyperbole a legal device that has all the potential to change the scenario of the Internet as we know it today and modify profoundly the balance with technology.
Il DOJ had Google’s door in court and l’accusa di avoir cementato la dominanza in various curses and Then, for billions of dollars, other facts come to Apple and Samsung to ensure exclusivity in search of mobile comes i pay to have a preeminente position sugli loro device.
Sententa puts a point in a year-long case, he initially rises in 2020, and that he had a first piano during a ten-week process in the era race called a testimony with Apple managers.
Ricordiamo che proprio in quel contexto if era after che Google pagor Apple billions of dollars per essere il motore di search di default. In the context of the process called a testimony Apple manager come Eddie Cue che aveva difeso l’accordo and John Giannandrea.
Quel patto era stato openly critical while the processor is what Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, said talking about “Google’s Web” has defined pato and Apple an’azione Oligopolitik che presents the risk of seeing Google become dominant in the next traguardo, that of artificial intelligence.
Il Governo American aveva affirmmato che pagando miliardi di dollari to become automatically selected search engine, has provoked a damage to competitors by impeding the creation of a competition system. At the same time, Google had the opportunity to find information that allows it to have a better search product and therefore still more dominant.
Google according to the phrase ha poi skuppato la pubblicitato per protecti questo monopolio. Google says the government has increased the price of advertising ads beyond the limit that the serebbe state is possible in a free market.
Judge Mehta did not present any remedy in his sentence. Theoretically, the most probable hypothesis is a knowledge of the partnership between Google and Apple’s partners. Potenzialmente podrière anche essere dispozedo lo smembramento della società. One way of mezzo could limit the threshold of payment according to the same way as to be the search engine of the iPhone.
First say each final decision, however, there are some passages that allungheranno encore i temple. L’appello alla sentenza is practically certain. But it is very likely that the case will be decided by the Supreme Court It’s not going to happen, as it happened in the story very similar to that of Microsoft a year ago, an agreement between Google and the government.