The United States has officially accused TikTok of violating children’s privacy laws. Il famous Chinese social and accused di aver collect data from users under the age of 13, avendo tra l’altro allows them to open an account on the platform.
For this reason, the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission opened a civil case where TikTok violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Ricordiamos infatti che la legge vieta ai siti web di collecte personalis information of age inferiore ai 13 anni, without having the permiso dei parents.
The accused did not confront TikTok
Although the accounts that were created in children’s mode, destination for users under 13 years of age, collect email addresses and personal information. Not solo, TikTok is there Company controls ByteDance They did not accept the requests of the parents who asked to remove the account of their children. La causa civile viene dunque aperta per impedire a TikTok, che tra l’altro è accusata di recidità, di collecting and using private data of users under 13 years without the consent of parents.
Five years ago, still in the United States, it was a procedure carried out by the app, which was acquired by ByteDance and was easy with TikTok. TikTok is already in litigation with the United States Government in merito ad una legge che requirede alla rete sociale di essere ceduta ad una società non cinese. In essence, ByteDance has until January 19, 2025 to find a new buyer, if the sale seems almost impossible, because even the Chinese Government has repeatedly said that it is ready to oppose any attempt to sell TikTok.
The issue related to TikTok still shines a strong light concern related to the management of personal data on the part of the socialbeyond all importance to protect and more youth from minacce del web.