Google violates antitrust laws, violates the agreement with Apple for the investigation of the iPhone

Da Apple e Google gli avvisi di tracciamento indesiderato su iOS e Android

Google has a monopoly on Internet search and has abused its dominant position. È questo il succo della sentenza pronunciata questa sera dal judge Amit P. Mehta nel contexto della causa antitrust intentata dal Dipartimento di Giustizia. It is difficult to present without exaggeration and hyperbole a legal device that has all the potential to … Read more

Hey, who succeeds? Buffett owns half of Apple’s shares


Sembrava un fine week tranquillo, after a tremendous Friday for the Borse di tutto il mondo, from Wall Street and Piazza Affari in Milano. Instead, a closed market, it happened the surprise: Berkshire Hathawaythe society says investment says Warren Buffett, announced the results of the second quarter on the news date. After that apple stock … Read more