No, video games are not that bad for children… They even have many virtues, UNICEF says so!

Why so much passion?

“First of all, video games are a way for young people and adults alike to escape, enter another universe and experience things that cannot be experienced anywhere else. It is both entertainment and trial-and-error learning, but more fun than in real life.” And while it may seem pointless to you, video games do develop a lot of skills! “While playing, we acquire endurance, creativity, patience, ingenuity, reflection… But we also develop our physical and mental motor skills!”

For many young people, video games are also a means of expression and socialization. “Even if nothing replaces real contact, video games can help a child or teenager dare to be who they are, overcome their shyness by playing with other people, bond with their family or friends.” Many successful games are played online with multiple people. “These games develop friendship and a sense of cooperation, because you have to work together to progress, we noticed that this was a way to spend time together.”

Screen time, big bad

While it’s true that younger generations are spending more and more time in front of screens, cutting them off completely isn’t the answer… “Either the teenager is doing it secretly or he’s frustrated. It is better to regulate, raise awareness and create a framework while supporting the young person. Understand why he likes it, let him know he needs to do other things, and guide him toward appropriate and constructive games.” If you won’t do less, do better! “By taking an interest in it, you have everything to gain: you share his world and his passion, and open the way to dialogue and media education. Being an ally of the child, you also have a perspective on what he is doing and what you are doing. can make him more responsible than just depriving him.”

In addition to the fun and educational aspect, video games can help you empower and reconnect with your child without risking relative “game over”!

4 benefits according to Unicef


Video games stimulate the creativity of young people in many ways. Construction and invention: thanks to the evolving environments of video games, young people can create virtual worlds, think about the best arrangements and be resourceful thanks to the large number of possible options. Solving problems: Young people face challenges and puzzles that require creative solutions. They must think and act innovatively to develop strategies and overcome obstacles. Artistic expression: character design, creation of universes, development of interactive stories… All this boosts the creativity of young people!

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Thanks to video games, young people shape their personality. Self-examination: games allow young people to explore different aspects of their personality by playing different roles. They can experiment with alternate identities that they cannot explore in real life. Empathy and understanding: by playing different characters and communicating, they develop understanding and empathy, learn to put themselves in other people’s shoes and see different points of view. Personal expression: By personalizing avatars and creating unique content, they can fearlessly express their personalities and tastes.

No, video games are not that bad for children... They even have many virtues, UNICEF says so!
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They also have a positive effect on social life! Multiplayer Games: Many games are designed to be played with others, allowing young people to share with family, connect with friends or make new friendships online. Cooperation : Games that require effective cooperation and communication to achieve common goals help develop teamwork and communication skills. Online communities: These games often have active online communities where young people can share their experiences, get advice and share their passions, strengthening their social network and friendships.

No, video games are not that bad for children... They even have many virtues, UNICEF says so!
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Specifically, video games help you develop. Skill development: Through progressive challenges, youngsters learn to develop and hone a variety of skills such as hand-eye coordination, problem solving, strategic planning and critical thinking. Immediate feedback: by seeing their performance evolve, they gain confidence, strengthen their sense of mastery, and are encouraged to improve even further. Achievements and awards : integrated reward systems (points, levels, badges, trophies, etc.) motivate young people to be persistent, proud, resilient and celebrate their successes.

No, video games are not that bad for children... They even have many virtues, UNICEF says so!
©Mediterraneo –

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