New salty remodulations from Vodafone: increase up to 3.99 euros per month

Summer is coming for some customers too Vodafone will bring bad news. Let’s talk predictably new remodulations fees from the operator, related to the mobile sector.

How much they grow and since when

The red operator has released a new statement in its dedicated section Vodafone Informationwith which it warns all its customers that some of them will undergo new contractual changes starting from July 2024.

As always, new contractual reformulations result increase in fees available for Vodafone offers. In this case, it is about some Vodafone mobile offers, which will suffer increased rates, including between 1.99 euros and 3.99 euros per month. The increases will take effect starting from July 10, 2024.

Vodafone did not mention clearly what they will be offers included under remodeling. However, he assured that all affected customers will receive an SMS or email communication notifying them of the increases. Communications have been sent since last year June 10.

Vodafone has justified these new ones increase views”changed economic and market conditions and to guarantee an optimal connection experience“.

Right of Withdrawal

It is clear that all Vodafone customers affected by the increases will have the right to withdraw from the contract at no cost. To apply the right of withdrawal you will have 60 days starting from receiving communication from the operator.

You can to exercise the right of withdrawal through Vodafone’s official websitein Vodafone stores, by sending a registered letter with return receipt to Vodafone Customer Service, PO Box 190 – 10015 Ivrea (TO), by writing via PEC to, specifying the reason indicated above or by called number 190.

(tagsForTranslation) Vodafone Remodulation(s).

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